Turnkey factory construction

Factory construction is an ambitious and complex project, requiring specific skills and efficient time management. The turnkey approach has become increasingly popular with companies seeking to control budgets, optimize time and reduce risks.

What is a turnkey factory?

A turnkey factory is a construction project in which all the elements required for its completion are included in the contract. This means that the client does not need to coordinate different service providers for each specific aspect of the project. Instead, they benefit from a single point of contact who is responsible for the execution of the entire construction project. Once completed, the factory is ready for operation as soon as it is delivered. Companies no longer need to deal with the potential hassle of coordinating contractors.

The benefits

Turnkey factory offer many benefits to companies, including :

  • Time savings: simplicity and speed of execution are two major advantages of turnkey construction. Completion times are generally reduced thanks to optimized coordination between the various parties involved in the project.
  • Budget control: The financial envelope is often better controlled, since the service provider is contractually committed to a global price. This limits the surprises associated with cost overruns.
  • Single point of responsibility: By entrusting the management of the project to a single player, he becomes the sole person responsible in the event of a problem. This ensures that unforeseen events are dealt with quickly.

How do you set up a production factory?

The steps involved

First and foremost, you need to define your project precisely, by answering the following questions:

  • What product do you want to produce?
  • What will be the production capacity?
  • What are the specific requirements in terms of equipment or personnel?
  • What regulatory and environmental constraints need to be taken into account?

By thinking through the right questions, you create a stable basis for launching your project. 

Next comes the drawing up of specifications, a crucial stage in any plant construction project. That’s why we strongly recommend that you call on a competent engineering firm to guide you. Here’s how the process typically works:

  • Initial consultation: The aim of this stage is to understand your needs, objectives and vision for the project.
  • Brainstorming and analysis: Brainstorming sessions are then organized to gather ideas and essential information. This phase enables us to clearly define your project specifications.
  • Qualification: The aim is to guarantee compliance with specifications. The engineering team then qualifies the project by determining the standards, regulations and specific requirements to be met.
  • Drawing up specifications: Using the information gathered above, the engineers draw up the specifications. This document details all materials, deadlines, specifications, costs or any other aspect essential to your project.
  • Validation: Once the specifications have been drawn up, they are submitted for validation. All stakeholders must ensure that the document accurately reflects their needs and expectations. Once the decision has been made, there is a considerable time lag before the project is launched.

When building your plant, it’s essential to take steps to maximize return on investment (ROI). It’s important to focus on recruiting the right teams of qualified experts. These professionals play an essential role in supporting you throughout your project. Once the team has been assembled, training becomes a priority. By training them in project specifics, safety standards and objectives, you ensure optimal use of resources.

Once the service provider has been chosen, it’s time to design the plant. This process generally takes place in several phases:

  • Audit and feasibility study
  • Preliminary design
  • Technical specifications and costing
  • Detailed engineering
  • Procurement
  • Pre-assembly
  • Installation and assembly
  • Connection
  • Dry & wet test
  • Commissioning
  • Ramp-up and reliability
  • Final acceptance

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